Purchasing your first home is exciting. You’re likely trying to keep track of a dozen things or more to ensure you’re making the right choice. We believe that gaining insight into your potential new HVAC system is crucial. The property’s HVAC system represents a substantial investment and potential source of long-term costs, so being thorough helps all first-time homebuyers.

In the following guide, we’ll share seven tips for discovering all there is to know about a home’s heating and cooling system. And if you want a more in-depth opinion from the experts, feel free to call Smyth Air Conditioning. Our experienced team can share details about your options with industry insights you won’t find elsewhere.

1. What Type of HVAC System Is It?

Start by identifying what specific HVAC system the home features. Furnaces generally last longer compared to air conditioners, and newer types of HVAC products like heat pumps feature average life spans that are even longer. Getting the details on the make and specific model ensures you have a clear understanding of how much it might cost in upkeep over time.

2. What Is the Current System’s Age?

Another good idea is to find out how old the HVAC system is when you’re considering a new home. For the most part, HVAC systems should survive for around 10-12 years. Having the knowledge of when it was installed helps you prepare for any needed servicing or when it might eventually stop working. Older systems are at a higher risk of problems, so budgeting for a replacement unit might be needed faster than expected.

3. What Does the Warranty Cover?

Don’t forget to look into whether the HVAC system is covered by a warranty. If it is, this can help with maintenance costs. HVAC warranties should take care of parts and labor, but the details in each policy will vary. Review any terms that aren’t familiar to ensure you understand your coverage and potential out-of-pocket costs.

4. Does the System Have a Documented Maintenance History?

Take a close look at the maintenance history of the HVAC system, if the records are accessible. This service history can demonstrate if the repair needs are high or how often a tune-up was scheduled. Inquire about key tasks like filter changes, which means it enjoyed more regularly scheduled tune-ups.

5. Do You Know Its Energy Efficiency Ratings?

Finding a home that features an HVAC system with great energy efficiency can lead to smaller utility bills and less of an impact on the environment. Check out the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) ratings for air conditioning as well as the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) for furnaces. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the cooling over the whole season, while strong AFUE ratings illustrate that the fuel is efficiently converted into useable heat.

6. Have You Noticed Signs of Problems During Your Inspection?

Even without heating and cooling expertise, you can still take a moment to examine the HVAC system on your own. Watch closely for potential issues that weren’t mentioned by the seller or real estate agent. This might consist of odd sounds, stubborn patches of the house that are too hot or cold and attempts to hide any serious damage.

7. Have You Sought Out Expert Advice?

If you’re not quite sure about the condition of the HVAC system, it’s beneficial to get a professional opinion from certified HVAC technicians. They are skilled at identifying things you might miss, such as refrigerant leaks, damage to the wiring or flawed ductwork.

A Call with Smyth Air Conditioning Helps Take the Stress Out of Your Home-Buying Journey

Choosing your first home should be thrilling, and Smyth Air Conditioning wants to ensure yours is too. Reach out with us at 561-533-6066. We can go over the details about how our HVAC services give you peace of mind, giving you what you need to dive into home-ownership with confidence.